
Architectural Designer
3D Artist | Graphic Designer | Painter
Painting - Regrowth
Painting - Isolation
Painting - Whisper
Painting  - Uniwinding a Live Wire
Painting - Stay




What I find truly fascinating in architecture is the relationship between people and built environments at all scales: from an individual in a building to the body of citizens in a modern metropolis. I am particularly interested in the ways architecture influences people, their psychological and physical comfort, the mood and the quality of their life.

My paintings are largely influenced by architecture, from both a conceptual and stylistic perspective. I like to utilize painting as a tool to reflect on the impact of architecture on an individual as well as natural and social environments they inhabit. In turn, my architectural practice is being informed by sensibilities obtained by means of visual investigations.

If my artistic practice studies ways in which the built and natural environments shape us who live within them - my architectural practice investigates ways in which we, who design them, can shape the built and natural environments to make them more comfortable, just and sustainable for all to live in.


Architectural Design

Professional works
Academic works
Continuous City [MArch]
Ateneaum of Senses
Division of Argyle Street
Museum of Modern Art


Visual Arts


AI Studies